PayPal: Owned by eBay, Paypal has been around on the web for years. Pay Pal is one of the most widely adopted forms of online payment gateway.
PayPal needs your e-mail address and some basic details to set up an account and later ask over for your credit card or bank account information as needed.
PayPal is much more popular than Google Checkout as it offers an extensive variety of services for shoppers and businesses to exchange funds.
PayPal is more diverse as copared to Google Checkout. A customer can only make use of credit or debit card with Google Checkout. PayPal, in contrast, permits for credit card payment and deduction from a bank account. It also grants eCheck facility.
PayPal is available in 55 countries. PayPal accepts six currencies, the U.S. dollar, euro, the pound, the Canadian dollar, the yen and the Australian dollar. Currency exchange facility is also available with PayPal.
Your level of account decides the charges on PayPal. You have to pay 1.9 percent to 2.9 percent of your sales, and 30 cents per transaction.
Google Checkout: Google Checkout has been launched by Google in 2006 as an alternative to PayPal.
Google Checkout is deemed much easier to use than PayPal. You can pay for goods more easily and in fewer steps.
Google Checkout allows storing addresses, credit and debit card information in its system and you don't have to retype all that data each time.
Google Checkout allows a user to log in to a single Google username to shop online, while hiding the data and e-mail address from traders where as PayPal keep financial details concealed from stores, however merchants can see e-mail address of the buyers.
Google Checkout is only available for U.S. purchases. So, no international shopping is possible with this online payment gateway.
Google Checkout charges 2% of sales and 20 cents per transaction. However, you can utilize your Google AdWords account to lower the cost of your transaction fees.
Google Checkout has the advantage of integration with Google AdWords while PayPal has a wide range of features available that include invoicing, statements, shipping and tax calculations. One should consider his ecommerce website needs before deciding on either online payment gateway.
web development company or eCommerce web development can help you lot to understand difference between two technologies.